Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Worldwide Leader in Sports, and Using Technology to its Advantage

ESPN has made a breakthrough with technology and introduced something extraordinary. They have combined the video game, Madden 09 by EA Sports, with real game footage to create real situations. To break it down, they can now show what might have happened if Tom Brady threw to Wes Welker instead of Randy Moss on a given play. Amazing, eh? (So Canadian).
The writer, Brooks Barnes, is showing us that even a sports television station is dipping into other parts of media to interest their audience, including video game users. To keep the audience interested every week, and every year for that matter, companies need to keep changing aspects every so often. This is what Barnes is showing.
I also want to talk about another blog that no one else knows of. The writer is a former teammate of mine, Alex Williams. He is a great golfer but even a better guy to hang around and be friends with. Alex has a great personality and is incredibly smart. He definitely shows this in his blog.
Alex went to Spain to start a new life. He was kind of sick of practicing golf everyday, to my understanding, and he wanted to do something new and exciting. This is what he chose. His blog is really interesting to read and his brilliance shows in his writing. He is funny, smart, and has a great heart. So you should check out Alex's blog,, and learn something from his writing. Even if you do not learn anything from it, you will enjoy his fabulous writing. Plus, he is a huge Blazers fan, so of course you should visit his blog! In his profile picture, he is wearing a I love Rudy shirt in Spain.

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