Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hockey in America

Americans and Hockey. It is like the sport does not even exist. I came from Hockey 24/7 to no Hockey at all. No one in America follows it nor do they care at all. I do not understand this one bit. For one, Hockey is the fastest sport in the world. They are going up and down the ice constantly and there is a reason why the guys are only out there for 45 seconds at a time. They are giving it all they got for that short period of time. Another thing I don't understand is that Hockey is a very violent sport and Americans love violence. Football is the most violent sport and Football is like Hockey in Canada, it is on the sports channels all the time. Comcast even showed the spring Football game at the University of Oregon! Also, UFC is one of the fastest growing sports and everybody loves it because of its blood and brutality. Lastly, I do not think people realize how athletic a person has to be to play Hockey. They are agile, they are extremely strong, and how many people in this world can deflect a 100 mph slapshot into 6' by 4' net?
So all I'm asking is maybe when Matthew Barnaby or Barry Melrose talks on Sportscenter or the Penguins and Capitals are playing on Versus, just take a second, watch, and just maybe you'll like it.

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